The Diet You Can Actually Follow: IIFYM

At first flexible dieting can seem like a full time job, but I assure you this diet (or lifestyle) is, in my opinion, the most effective way to enjoy the foods you love while staying on track with your fitness goals. What exactly is flexible dieting? Flexible Dieting (Also known as IIFYM, if it fits your macros) is merely tracking the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat) of the foods you eat to achieve a certain body composition goal. Another note of importance is while flexible dieting not one food is off limits. In general IIFYM followers do not deem foods dirty or clean. I however, try to get the majority of my foods from whole or natural sources but I do not fret if I have a donut every now and then especially if it fits my macros. I am going to arm you with the first steps you should…

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